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Around six million Germans suffer from coronary heart disease - and the trend is rising. The fact that heart disease is becoming more common in society is also due to our hectic everyday lives, lack of stress management and lack of exercise. When stress puts a strain on the psyche, heart disease can develop. Leading for the second time

Former pole vaulter and author Katharina Bauer and sports scientist and yoga teacher Tine Bielecki are jointly organizing a yoga retreat focusing on the topic of heart health. The two have co-authored the Spiegel bestseller "Yoga for a strong heart. Promoting heart health with the right exercises, meditation and breathing techniques". Bauer has been living with an implanted defibrillator for years and was an active top athlete despite having congenital heart disease. She has experienced first-hand how balance, mindfulness and inner peace can have an enormous impact on heart health.

Through relaxation techniques, yoga and a strong mindset, she has managed to drastically reduce her 18,000 daily extra heartbeats and to accept her life with the constant companion defibrillator and see it as a gift.

Anyone who is interested in yoga and exploring the positive aspects of breathing on our bodies is invited to take part in the retreat. However, it is also particularly aimed at people who may still have reservations about yoga. From May 12 to 16, there will be yoga, meditation and a special reading evening twice a day. Participants can look forward to an exclusive break in a wonderful house in Tyrol.

Karolin Lüders

Passion: Luxury Travel & Lifestyle, Family Affairs